Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I know I haven't written in awhile, but I have the best of reasons:

I'm getting a second book published!

The process is drawing to a close; I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The last step before printing is a final read-through to change a few typos. I am on page 100 of 190, as I speak.

As soon as these changes are made, I will be sending the PDF to the printer. They have already approved the book, and - bless them! - are excited about printing it. The cover is done. I have an ISBN. Potential distributors are in my mind.

So close.

Fixing typos and designing covers isn't quite like "real" writing. But not to worry; I've been doing lots of the real stuff on other projects, in addition to getting my book print-ready. I have some tips on editing that I want to share as soon as I get some free moments to blog.

Just thought I'd pop in and say hello! :) I'll share the news when my book is finally in print. :) ...And I'll tell you more about the book itself, too. :)

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